No-Hub Cast Iron Fittings: Know The Code to Avoid Pipe Failure

Proper pipe restraints protect your work and keep you in compliance with CISPI and the International Plumbing Code
Imagine working tirelessly for weeks or months to construct a cast iron soil pipe system for a significant project, only to fail your system test inspection. Or worse, experience a pipe failure that undermines your entire project. Sadly, this scenario occurs frequently. The result is a great deal of extra work, unhappy clients and often, a significant financial hit that can impact not only your company, but also other contractors involved in the project.
Following International and Uniform Plumbing Codes and CISPI (Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute) regulations can help prevent rework or devastating accidents. HoldRite restraints for no-hub cast iron fittings make it easy to stay up to code and on track with your project.
Know the Code for Restraints on Cast Iron Pipes
Site inspections usually require passing grades on several requirements tied to local regulations. When it comes to cast iron soil pipe plumbing installations, the installer will be evaluating whether your installers have adhered to the International Plumbing Code (IPC) or Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI) regulations.
What is the International Plumbing Code Requirements on Cast Iron?
The International Plumbing Code, sometimes referred to as “the Code,” is a detailed list of standards that set minimum requirements for the design and function of plumbing systems. The Code puts forth rules for new and existing plumbing-related technologies, which means it is a living document, one which is subject to ongoing changes as the industry evolves. The IPC is published by the International Code Council and is updated on a three-year cycle.
It was not so long ago that shoddy workmanship, including inferior plumbing installation, routinely led to building failures that threatened the safety of occupants. The Code was enacted to help ensure that plumbing professionals employ methods that serve to protect the life, health, and safety of building occupants as well as the public at large.
The Code covers all manner of plumbing and plumbing-adjacent applications, from water heater regulations, backflow prevention methods, proper pipe sizing, and even small components like the no-hub fitting restraints engineered by HoldRite.
Why Do I Have to Follow the Code?
Depending on the jurisdiction of your project, the International Plumbing Code may be codified into local law. Therefore, not following the regulations and limitations laid out in the Code can put you in legal jeopardy in those locales. Even jurisdictions that haven’t adopted the IPC as their legal requirements typically refer to the IPC in their codes.
What Are the Benefits of Following the IPC?
Since the IPC is the most commonly-used plumbing code in the United States, manufacturers have been able to save money through the concept of economies of scale. So many plumbing professionals adhere to the Code that the inherent uniformity has led to lowered manufacturer and end-user costs.
This uniformity extends to other professionals involved with a building project, as well. Architects, engineers, code officials, and building inspectors all benefit from the standard language created by the IPC, leading to more precise communication across all channels.
The Code also helps to advance new techniques and product improvements that help to enhance the overall safety of modern plumbing applications. In short, the Code is a driving factor when it comes to the evolution of the plumbing industry.
What Does CISPI Recommend?
While the IPC outlines both broad and detailed regulations for the industry, when it comes to cast iron fittings, the Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute also creates its own set of related specifications.
CISPI urges cast iron soil pipe installers to follow its stringent rules for the manufacture and use of cast iron pipes, alongside the regulations outlined in the International Plumbing Code.
HoldRite no-hub fitting restraints adhere to all regulations outlined by the IPC and CISPI. When you invest in HoldRite products, you can rest assured that your materials are well within the regulations created by these plumbing industry oversight organizations.
Which IPC and CISPI Codes Apply to Cast Iron No-Hub Fittings?
Numerous sections of both codes apply to no-hub cast iron fittings. It is essential to become well-versed in all of these and to consult with experts in the field who understand these regulations. Your overall work product quality, inspection success rate, as well as your consistency, will all improve when you take this step.
One relevant CISPI designation is 301-18, which is often referenced as it relates to the no-hub fitting restraints manufactured by HoldRite. This designation covers “standard specification for hubless cast iron soil pipe and fittings for sanitary and storm drain, waste, and vent piping applications.”
Updated every three years, this section of the CISPI code covers a long list of specific requirements.
It includes:
- The definition of “cast iron” (minimum requirements for using this term)
- Manufacturing requirements for cast iron pipes and fittings
- Required precautions to reduce the risk of radioactive contamination in the melting process
- Exactly how cast iron pipes and fittings must be marked
- Specifications about coating materials
- Size and shape requirements for installed cast iron plumbing
- Standards for code restraints on cast iron
Why Are Engineered No-Hub Fitting Restraints More Code-Compliant Than Makeshift Methods?
Makeshift methods that utilize the most readily available materials are highly unlikely to meet even basic code requirements. Sometimes, an inspector will give a passing grade to a project created with these components, but there is no guarantee.
HoldRite’s entire product lineup has been created to comply with strict code requirements. We keep informed of the latest updates and changes to the codes so our clients can feel confident that their products comply.
We invite you to reach out to schedule a free estimate or to discuss how our products can improve your installations.
Stay Code-Compliant with Engineered No-Hub Cast Iron Fitting Restraints
Generally, engineered no hub fitting restraints hold several significant advantages over those created in the field.
HoldRite #117 Series engineered no-hub fitting restraints:
- Prevent the separation of no-hub pipe fittings at changes of direction or straight, inline joints.
- Protect against hydraulic jump events, the #1 cause of pipe and fitting failures.
- Support joints from longitudinal movement separation as well as diagonal misalignment.
- Are crafted from quality materials like iron, stainless steel, and galvanized components.
- Offer uniformity across the whole system, making it easier to pinpoint and correct any issues that arise during system tests.
- Provide cost and labor savings - they are quicker and easier to install than makeshift no-hub fitting restraints.
If you aren’t currently following the codes that apply to the local jurisdiction where you are performing work, consider becoming more informed. Not only will you be safely complying with the legal requirements related to the plumbing industry, but you will also greatly enhance the quality and reliability of your work. You and your clients will be better prepared for unexpected issues that arise in the years to come.
Contact HoldRite with questions and to learn how HoldRite restraints can improve your installations.
Or, find a HoldRite rep to get a quote on code-compliant parts and equipment.