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Case Study: Sweeney Remodeling & Plumbing
Sweeney Remodeling & Plumbing uses HoldRite PexRite PEX supports on this residential new construction job in Jacksonville Beach, FL to save time and money for their clients. Along with the SharkBite EvoPEX PTC fittings this contractor was able to deliver a complete system using the RWC family suite of products.
Product Highlights

HoldRite Firestop Sleeve with Adjustable Cap | Overview
Get more flexibility when firestopping with HoldRite HydroFlame Pro Series...

TestRite: The Forward Edge of DWV Testing
TESTRITE meets all plumbing code requirements, and is lab tested and IAPMO UPC...

Holdrite Stout Bracket
The HOLDRITE Stout Bracket platform provides the engineered multi-purpose...

Dave Williams Plumbing & Electrical Uses HoldRite for Jobsite Efficiency
HoldRite & SharkBite – A Perfect Match for Jobsite Efficiency for Dave Williams...

Sweeney Remodeling & Plumbing Saves Time & Money with PEXRite
Sweeney Remodeling & Plumbing uses HoldRite PexRite PEX supports on this...

HydroFlame Pro Saves Time & Cost for Dave Williams Plumbing & Electrical
HoldRite HydroFlame Pro Series Provides Time and Installed Cost Savings for Dave...