Simple, easy-to-use intumescent firestop technologies to block smoke and fire spread.
Get everything you need to protect against the spread of fire, gas and smoke with our diverse firestopping products. HoldRite offers a full range of firestopping products - from cast-in-place solutions to broader intumescent firestop technologies. Whether you want a prefabricated firestop solution to get the job done faster on smaller pipes or need something more flexible for piping and electrical boxes, HoldRite HydroFlame intumescent firestop wraps, collars and putty pads provide tried-and-true reliability. All of our intumescent firestop products expand when heated to cut off the path of fire or fumes. The prefabricated options are also fast and easy to install, maintaining the high performance and time-saving capabilities you need for firestopping.
Learn more about our ready-to-use firestop solutions below, find intumescent sealants or generate a submittal covering the full line of HydroFlame firestopping products.