Inside a HoldRite HydroFlame Pro Firestop Sleeve

Though some firestop methods or solutions have been around for a while, we believe in finding areas for improvement and leaning on new technology to make firestop installations better.
Certain innovations can transform your workflow for the better, save you money and put you ahead of the competition too.
Mineral wool paired with fire caulking has long been used as a makeshift method for penetration firestopping. Otherwise, a plumber may subcontract penetrations out to a firestop specialty contractor. But there are newer firestopping technologies on the market that pros should know about.
HoldRite HydroFlame Pro Series is the premier firestop cast-in-place sleeve on the market. It requires no assembly or cutting, making contractor’s lives easier and their jobs more secure. So what components go into HoldRite firestop sleeves that makes them worth it? We’re breaking down the cast-in-place firestop sleeves to show you how the parts work together to create a reliable solution.
HoldRite Firestop Sleeve Parts
Interlocking telescoping sleeve design
Say goodbye to cutting sleeves on the jobsite and spending extra time on estimating measurements. You can adjust the HydroFlame Pro sleeve height anywhere from 7 1/2 to 11 3/4 inches tall by simply rotating the outer sleeve and locking it into place. And if you need to go beyond that, sleeve extensions have you covered.
The outer sleeve can be used to telescope the height of a sleeve up to 11 3/4 inches high in 1/4-inch increments, or it can be attached to the underside of a sleeve's base for installation through a corrugated metal form deck, as seen below. The sleeves can also be cut down as short as 2 ½ inches if needed.
Another version of the firestopping sleeve is available with an adjustable safety cap. The safety cap can be adjusted so that the sleeve height can be from 7 ¼ inches to 8 inches tall in 1/4 inch increments and may be cut down to 3 ½ inches.
The HoldRite firestop sleeves provide streamlined installations by:
- Accommodating various pipe, conduit and cable types and sizes, from ½ inch to 6 inches.
- Including an inner sleeve with a built-in measurement guide system to make finding the right height easy during install.
- Reducing the number of parts needed to complete the firestop sleeve installation.
Water-tight mid-body seal
While most know HydroFlame Pro to protect projects against the dangers of fire, gas and smoke spread, it also safeguards against water damage and mold. One of the key components that makes that possible is its superior UL W-rated seal. The seal is designed to grip pipe with up to 10 times greater surface contact than other manufactured sleeve devices on the market and works with a variety of pipe sizes.
Intumescent fire wrap
Pros know this solution is necessary for preventing the spread of fire or smoke. And most are used by manually applying firestop caulking along with mineral wool. HoldRite firestop sleeves simplify this process for you and make sure there’s less room for error in the process. Intumescent fire wrap is UL Listed and built into each HydroFlame Pro sleeve during manufacturing.
Locator whiskers
Once you pour the concrete, you’ll never have to guess where you placed your firestop sleeves. Color-coded locator whiskers poke out so you can quickly identify different through-penetration firestop types.
- Red whiskers = plastic pipe
- Black whiskers = metal pipe
- Green whiskers = electrical conduit or cable
The whiskers come attached to the side of the sleeve cap when you get the product. Before concrete pour, some contractors will only snap the whiskers on the top of the sleeve when they’ve verified that the sleeve is placed in the correct location. If or when you use them is up to you.
Safety cap
With a threaded design and a Safety Cap Tool available, the sleeve’s cap allows for easy, non-destructive removal after concrete pour, as well as tightening and untightening. It also meets OSHA’s hole-cover requirements, helping to keep installers and the job site safe by preventing them from tripping and falling through openings in floors.
The cap attaches easily to the top of the sleeve and allows for the locator whiskers to be directly snapped into place.
Interlocking nail-in base
This quick-to-install base makes each placement secure and makes working in tight locations easier. The sleeves’ bases are narrow enough for multiple sleeves to nest close together. This is uniquely true with the 1- and 2-inch sizes, where the outrigger wings can fold up and out of the way, allowing close nesting of the sleeves.
Also, with the male and female interlocking tabs on the sides of the base, the straight alignment of multiple sleeves, even different sleeves sizes, can be easily accomplished.
And just like the locator whiskers, the bases are color coded so you can easily identify different sleeve penetrations.
HydroFlame Pro includes sleeves designed for both wood and metal form decks. If working on a metal deck installation, the metal deck plate included with the firestop sleeve provides secure support over the uneven surface of the corrugated metal decking.
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Why HydroFlame Pro Parts Matter
HoldRite cast-in-place firestop sleeves transform how firestops are specified, installed and distributed in the construction industry. This presents a few key benefits to contractors.
They’re faster. In fact, they can be up to 6 times faster than makeshift methods since assembly is minimal. This saves you time and money.
Read More: Firestops: Benefits of Installing Them Yourself & Code Requirements to Know
They’re engineered for the job. Makeshift methods don’t provide consistent results, which means they could tarnish your reputation or put lives at risk if they fail. HoldRite firestop devices are UL Listed, meaning they meet and exceed building code requirements. No guesswork, reliable performance.
They’re easy to stock. Because HydroFlame Pro is easy to carry in stores, several distributors across the nation sell them, making it easy for pros to order them from their local store. Plus, they’re easy for contractors to store on the job site, so there’s less in the way.
Read More: 6 Reasons Plumbing Engineers Should Include HydroFlame Pro in Their Specs